Today I decided to go back to the origins... which in my case is clutches!
I had a long stop because I finished the magnetic buttons and it's so hard to find them here... but my supplies bought on the internet just arrived! I'm happy!! :-)
This one is pretty different from the others I did months ago. I used to make them in very traditional colors, like black or brown... this one has a tree pattern in beige, brown and fluorescent green!! :-)
I'll post the photos tomorrow.
p.s. Does any italian crafter know where to find printed labels?!?
Appello a tutte: qualcuna sa dove si trovano o si possono far fare le etichette in stoffa stampate?? Grazie per i consigli!!
Ciao, io conosco questo sito
Spero che ti possa essere utile!
grazie mille! vado a dare una occhiata!!