domenica 22 agosto 2010

Back home finally!

I'm so happy to be back home again! My week in Cologne was pretty cool and also the troubles with the organization were soon forgotten. I could enjoy the time with my friends.
We did some sightseeing, tasted the german rain for the first days and the sun in the last two ones, did some working stuff at the videogames fair and had great meals... I'm satisfied after all. The only drawback is that I need a new body now: I'm sick and after the go-kart race every bone and every muscle hurts!! But it was great fun!! :-)
Yesterday was a pretty short day for me, after the travel I collapsed in my bed until this morning. That feels good! :-)
Today I decided to have a look around on the net to see some cool crafting blog and I was surprised to find so many artists here in Italy. I'm also getting into that candy and swap stuff... even if this makes me a bit confused!
I couldn't understand how to link someone's blog... please, give me time and I'll learn how to use the features of that blog!!

So, just to get again into the crafty stuff... here you go with the bag (same style as always, I know I'm boring!!) for my sister's friend. Pretty classical and not too extravagant.

And here a picture of my sweet kitten Tomella. She loves me when I'm crafting, but she's not allowed to touch any material!!

5 commenti:

  1. ciao Bea! ma che bel blog e quanto sei brava! bella l'idea di unire il cucito ai gioielli... e le tue borse sono molto belle... parliamo un pò di questo musetto dolce che si affaccia... Tomella? ma è un amore!... bacioni ad entrambe!!!

  2. bella borsa! tienimi d'occhio che a settembre inizio con i tutorials e le idee regalo per natale handmade;))) sto organizzando l lavoro, ma fa caldooooooooo e nn ce la fò!

  3. Grazie Claudia!!
    E grazie a Katia! I tutorials li adoro! ^.^
    Se prima o poi imparo a fare qualcosa bene prometto che ne scrivo uno anch'io!!

  4. Benvenuta nel mondo dei blog...promette bene anche il tuo visto che i tuoi lavori sono belli...^_^

  5. Complimenti, le tue borse sono bellissime! :)
